Lead Your Life at Work & Home !
1) Video Staff Development Experience
2) Email- consult to get you started, write a question to:
Leadership Coaching
>> Lead Your Own Life or Leading Your Work more Effectively <<
Includes customized emails, at least one telephone call, e-materials, journal assignments, planning tips, e-references, places/ organizations/groups to continue your evolution on your own. Timeframes are customized after you prepay and send an email to Linda with your topic or issue and times available for your recorded phone or skype call(s). Make sure to title your email: WebAcademy
Level I
Business Booster $100/hour/per person
Taste what it feels like to work 1-on-1 with Linda to learn quick & easy tools to move through 1 issue you bring to the call. After you prepay, email Linda 1 issue you wish to move past with ease. She'll organize a plan to meet your personal goal in a concise period of time. using peaceful communication and consent circles training along with decades of counseling, a blend of business+heart comes into each call together.
Level II
Blast Your Log-jam ! $500/ 7 hours/per group team leader
-- ask about a special group or family rate --
Take time over a set period to use one of Linda's books as a guided evolution. This new decade is a reason -- a season -- to save time regularly to enhance and evolve yourself and your partners, family, (yes, your kids if you choose) and/or colleagues. Choose one of Linda's books and experience a series of calls to go through that book together and life your shift. ( Click here to see her book-list.)
Level III
Business-Blast Team-Builder $2,000/4 hrs/4-6 people
Times are changing with lays-offs, cutting back, and major markets shifting. Business teams are experiencing de-motivating change that, when not addressed, can put businesses and personal lives at-risk for long term ills. Lifeshift 2020, a leadership evolution guide co-written with Dr. Robin Wood, is used to frame Linda's group work that will boost & bond your team into a new phase of business relationship – and increase overall productivity. For more evolutionary leadership info
Contact us for more...

Webinar: CHANGE?
Linda's Short Videos, 4-6 minutes on Hot Topics:
-- Multiple Intelligence
-- Team-Building at Work or Home
-- Navigating the Healthcare System -
3 Tips to Use Now! *
~ DisABILITY in the Family: How to Live Well with Yours ~
* Challenging Children - The Difficult Child: 2 Tips to use Right Now ! *
-- Emotional Intelligence - 2 Ways to Identify & Lasso Your EI --
~ The Sandwich Generation ~
LLR Webinar: CHANGE - How to Live Well With and Through It - Part 1 - Sampling with Grief Process
Part 1 - An Exercise from CHANGE Webinar with LLRatto, EdM
Part 2 - CHANGE WEBINAR: Exceptional Personhood, sample
Part 3 - CHANGE WEBINAR: Conscious Evolution with LLRatto, EdM, sample
Part 4 - CHANGE WEBINAR: Integration with LLRatto, EdM, sampling
BSW - Why & How to Use This Valuable Video Library for Work and Personal Life...​
and...Building Strength Webinars Team Mission:
Our commitment is to present the average person with as complete a picture of health as is possible. Our mission centers on educating people on how their minds and bodies work; what they need to work well (good nutrition, peace of mind, exercise, etc); the threats and hindrances to their functioning optimally (toxins, emotional and spiritual stress, etc); and how to work intelligently with health care providers. By presenting quality webinars each week, we hope to empower people with the wisdom needed to make intelligent decisions about how they use their own minds and bodies, and thus live long, healthy and meaningful lives.